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Home Improvement
1. Basement Remodeling Starts With Reliable Waterproofing
  By:  Robert Clarke Basement remodeling can add lots of extra living space to your home but beware; basement water leakage could put a real damper on your hopes if not properly corrected. There are two conditions you must address for a dry basement, actual water leakage and condensation. Water leakage is a pretty obvious concern to homeowners but many are unaware of the p .....
Author: Robert Clarke
Date Posted: Sept 23, 2005

2. Wet Basement Solutions and Advice
  A wet basement can be just a nuisance or even real nightmare. Each year, thousands of homeowners are faced with the unpleasant side effects of seasonal rainfall. Problems they can face range from just dampness to even flooding. Chronic basement leakage is a serious problem that can destroy personal property, furnishings, appliances, and sometimes even cause permanent structural .....
Author: Robert Clarke
Date Posted: Sept 13, 2005

3. Why Sleep on a Round Mattress?
  A round mattress, like any other mattress, is just another way to get a good night sleep, isn’t it? Or is a round mattress more? Is a round mattress in some way even better? The ancient Greek Philosopher Plato, might have said, “Sleeping on a round mattress would be the ideal mattress.” Certainly Buckminster Fuller, the inventor of the Geodesic Sphere would have preferred a rou .....
Author: Thomas Jay Wacker
Date Posted: Aug 15, 2005

4. Choosing Dinner Party Flowers For Your Table Centerpiece – Three Key Secrets
  Are you planning a dinner party? Do you need to choose the right flowers for your floral table centerpiece? Choosing the right flowers can be frustrating and expensive – or it can be simple and economical. Knowing three key secrets makes it simple for you to choose the right flowers to create a simple but beautiful floral centerpiece. The key is to have a plan and stick wit .....
Author: Joanie Williams
Date Posted: Aug 15, 2005

5. Create A Table Centerpiece That Works For Most Dinner Parties-
  You can create a lovely but simple and inexpensive table arrangement that will work for almost any dinner party at your house. First, collect your supplies, then just follow ten easy steps to create your arrangement. Collecting your supplies Choose white flowers and some simple foliage. White carnations and a couple of ferns are readily available. They provide a simple, ine .....
Author: Joanie Williams
Date Posted: Aug 15, 2005

6. What is the Right Plant and Where Do I Put It?
  Know if your plants are disease-susceptible. Your choice of plants used in your garden is as important as the soil that you put those plants in. Select plants that are disease resistant and they will be much more easy to maintain and will give you the look you are wanting. Food for thought is use plants that are native to your area. The experience you get will tell you which .....
Author: James Ellison
Date Posted: Aug 15, 2005

7. The Best Realtor Knows How To Listen
  Realtor Traits That Really Pay Off Today's home buyer is looking for a lot in a Realtor and rightly so. As the home buying market continually increases and diversifies, the competition between Realtors intensifies. What makes some Realtors click better in this highly competitive market and how do you know you've chosen the right Realtor? Home buying is a stressful p .....
Author: Jimmy Arnot
Date Posted: Aug 15, 2005

8. Bathroom Interior Design
  Any advice or guide on the interior design of a bathroom should be based around one simple concept: keep it simple. Rooms inside of a home should have functional aspects, and if one room is designed for very specific functions, it is the bathroom. There have always been many jokes about the "throne" of a home, but the honest fact is that creating a visibly appealing and comfort .....
Author: Allan Wilson
Date Posted: Aug 15, 2005

9. Accessorize Your Bedroom For A Beach Décor Theme
  Using accessories is a fun way to accent your bedroom for a beach theme. You will find that you can dramatically change the look of your room simply by making small changes with the accents. See how easy it is to get a designer beach theme look in your bedroom without shelling out the big bucks. If you’re not sure exactly what you want in your beach desing, try looking in dec .....
Author: Lee Dobbins
Date Posted: Aug 15, 2005

10. Accessorize Your Kitchen
  Just like a nice outfit, your kitchen can benefit from accessories! If you are thinking about redecorating but don’t have a lot of dough to put into your kitchen, try simply adding some accessories in a matching theme or color and see how it transforms the room! Now before you rush out to the store, you should probably decide what sort of theme you are going for. Do you want .....
Author: Lee Dobbins
Date Posted: Aug 15, 2005

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