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Site Promotion
1. Effective Marketing Using Articles
  There is no better way to advertise and promote information than to use articles. Many businesses are now marketing their products and services via the internet which is a great way to communicate information to people all around the world. In the absence of articles there are plenty of websites that would fail to have any purpose. All of the articles that support various produ .....
Author: Tina Valiedi
Date Posted: Aug 5, 2005

2. The Basics Of Pay Per Click Search Engine Advertising
  Not long ago, Forbes magazine has reported that pay per click ad sales are expected to increase to at least $8 billion by 2008. There are three fundamental elements that form the basis of a successful pay per click ad program and they are constant monitoring, response analysis, and refinement. Pay per click search engines offer a way to buy your way to the top of search res .....
Author: Kirk Bannerman
Date Posted: Aug 5, 2005

3. Become An Instant SEO Forum Expert!
  Today I'm going to try something different. For quite some time now I've noticed that the same questions have been asked over and over again in search engine forums. In this article I've tried to pick out the most frequent of those questions and then answer them. Hopefully you'll find some of your questions answered in here, and if you don't, you can always .....
Author: Brad Callen
Date Posted: Aug 5, 2005

4. How To Rank Your Articles Higher in Search Engines
  All of us, the authors, know that to enhance our sites' listings in search engines we need to do certain things and some of them are : (a) get fresh content on our sites on regular basis (b) get backlinks from high PR (page-rank) sites Get Fresh Content: Inserting RSS Feeds on related subjects is a great way to create automatic fresh content in a website. However, w .....
Author: Subhendu Sen
Date Posted: Aug 5, 2005

5. Server Logs - The Secret to Analyzing Your Traffic
  Analyzing traffic to a site is a key factor in tweaking search engine optimization and marketing campaigns. Determining how people get to your site is critical. Surprisingly, few sites take advantage of the data available on their servers. Server Logs Typically, there are two server tools available to you. Server logs are on your server and analyze site activity. The log ke .....
Author: Halstatt Pires
Date Posted: Aug 5, 2005

6. 7 Ways to Increase Web Site Visitors and Boost Sales
  Have you spent a lot of money on advertising with the expectation that you would get many sales from the 1000s of web site visitors that read your ad? Have you poured money into driving traffic to your web site, only to have no one buying your product? Maybe you have seen the ads, “Get 10,000 visitors to your site, for only $20” . Wow, you think, that’s a great bargain, I’l .....
Author: Herman Drost
Date Posted: Aug 5, 2005

7. How to Quickly Gain Traffic to Your New Web Site
  The problem with a new site is that it often takes a long time before it is indexed by the search engines. This means you are missing out on getting traffic and making sales. Google places new sites in the "sandbox" which means they are on "hold" for a period of time before they rank. Here are some ways to generate immediate traffic to your web site: 1. Start a PPC (pay per .....
Author: Herman Drost
Date Posted: Aug 5, 2005

8. Local Search Optimization: Think Globally, Act Locally
  Many small businesses need to have an online presence and sell their products or services locally. For instance, doctors, dentists, real estate agents and restaurants can all benefit from online marketing but only on a local scale, not globally. In order to tap into the local market, however, it may be necessary to make some global changes to your website. In order to target .....
Author: Herman Drost
Date Posted: Aug 5, 2005

9. The Advantage and Consequences of New Economy Marketing
  Some of the research that has been done today gives us a lot of information on the values of today's society. What I'm referring to is a lifestyle in which there is more to do in generally less time in which to accomplish it. There's more to spend money on so there's less disposable income. Quite often there's just one parent instead of the traditional two p .....
Author: Abe Cherian
Date Posted: Aug 5, 2005

10. The Sandbox Effect
  What once many people thought they had a penalty, is now being called the Sandbox Effect and is causing new web sites not to rank very well in the search results of Google, not even for the least competitive phrases. Meaning that a filter is being placed on new web sites and cannot rank very high for most words or phrases for a certain amount of time. This does not mean it .....
Author: Matt Colyer
Date Posted: Aug 5, 2005

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