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1. Psychic Gut Instincts For Psychic Readings and Ghost Hunts
  Jane Doherty is a real psychic with a quirky gut instinct for psychic readings and paranormal ghost investigations, but what makes Jane's psychic investigations so interesting is that her gut, her stomach, actually participates. Psychic Jane has followed her gut instincts for hundreds of séances, psychic readings and ghost investigations over the past two decades. She cu .....
Author: Bobbie Grennier
Date Posted: July 31, 2006

2. Baby Boomers
  Baby Boomer. My generation is the Baby Boomer generation; the generation given many handles: spoiled, lazy, educated, hippies, immoral, and the list goes on. But you never hear about us girls who paid the price. After reading the statistics published by the National Adoption Information Clearinghouse, I know I was far from alone, back in 1969. There was a silent mob of us out t .....
Author: Sue Baumgardner
Date Posted: June 30, 2006

3. Relationship Advice: How To Effectively Get What You Need From Your Man
    Eleanor had a problem on her hands. With three young children all requiring lots of help and attention to get ready for school in the morning, and a husband who seemed more interested in taking care of himself than in helping her, the resentment was building to a dangerous boiling point. If she had been pressed, she would have had to acknowledge that there were some mo .....
Author: K Jones
Date Posted: June 30, 2006

4. Women - Are You Making The Most Of YOU?
  This a great time to be an independent, financially free woman! But how many of us are taking advantage of this possibility? At any stage of your life you can begin again. Dream again, make a difference again, no matter how far you have travelled from your aspirations and goals. Women help others fulfill their dreams everyday, yet leave their own dreams in the hands of others .....
Author: Yvonne Finn
Date Posted: June 30, 2006

5. Summer Hair
  Summer is not the time for ho-hum hair so I have lots of ideas for you to try out. So, lets get started. 1. Pull it up using a scrunchy. This is fast, easy and very effective. 2. Go for the gypsy look with the help of an ethnic scarf. 3. Collect hair accessories. They can take you from boring to eye catching in seconds. 4. Make sure that you rinse all the shampoo out of .....
Author: S.P. Bragg
Date Posted: Aug 5, 2005

6. Iolite Gem Stone Information
  For buyers without an indepth knowledge of gemstones, iolite would seem to be quite similar to tanzanite and many people infact mistake iolite for tanzanite. Iolite stones are a gorgeous bluish violet color and lighter shades of iolite look similar to tanzanite. However, iolite is not tanzanite and has a beauty of it's own. Gem quality iolite stones are not exactly cheap .....
Author: Ms.Tuk
Date Posted: Aug 5, 2005

7. Beaded Earrings Cultivate an Exotic and Sultry Look
  When we think beads, we normally think of bracelets, anklets, hair ornaments and necklaces. What about beaded earrings? Well, earrings are mostly made of metal, enamel and precious stones, some of us think. Earrings are fancy and expensive! Fortunately, earrings don't have to be fancy, or expensive, or made of just one extravagant material -- or a combination thereof. A p .....
Author: Sam Serio
Date Posted: Aug 5, 2005

8. Diamond Hoop Earrings: The Diva's Choice
  Men grow cold as girls grow old And we all lose our charms in the end But square-cut or pear-shaped These rocks don't lose their shape Diamonds are a girl's best friend -- from the movie "Gentlemen Prefer Blondes" Diamond hoop earrings are perfectly popular these days, thanks to young pop divas like Jennifer Lopez or J-Lo, hiphop diva extraordinaire. J-Lo is also know .....
Author: Sam Serio
Date Posted: Aug 5, 2005

9. Man Earring: a Radiantly Macho Trend
  These days, there is a call for more "metrosexuals," or men who are conscious about their looks and clothing, so much that it is actually important for them to be not only presentable, but fashionable as well in civilized society. The television program "Queer Eye for the Straight Guy" has revolutionized makeovers for all of us, for it has shown that, yes, it is indeed possible .....
Author: Sam Serio
Date Posted: Aug 5, 2005

10. Ankle Bracelets: Accessories to Pamper and Adorn Your Feet
  Feet are among the most the most beautiful parts of a woman's body. This fact is often overshadowed by modern media, which highlights women's faces and torsos, and little else. Yet throughout history, the delicate shape of women's feet have been paid great respect and attention, as proven by classical literary works by D.H. Lawrence and Lord Byron, to name only a fe .....
Author: Sam Serio
Date Posted: Aug 5, 2005

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